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Brown Bear,What Do You See


条码:1-201302794    含音频    可点读   (001-0474)

I S B N:9780140552997   查看亚马逊的介绍

作    者/出版社:Eric Carle  

当前库存:1    所在货架:8-4





With more than two million copies sold, "Brown Bear, BrownBear, What Do You See?" has opened up a world of learning to ageneration of children. For this edition, created for thetwenty-fifth anniversay in 1992, Bill Martin, Jr., restored histext to its original wording. And Eric Carle created all newpictures--based on the originals, but clearer, brighter, and truerto the colors they represent. Bill Martin has been devoted towriting children's books for more than thirty years. He has a Ph.D.in early childhood education and he has long been a proponent ofusing rhyme and rhythm to teach young children how to read. EricCarle, illustrator of many beloved children's books, was born inthe United States, but spent his early years in Stuttgart, Germany,where he studied art and design at the Academy of Applied Art."Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" was the first book heillustrated.
